
Friday, December 9, 2016 - 5:30pm

Wooster, Ohio prides itself as a city that is welcoming and friendly, yet cosmopolitan with small town charm and uniqueness.  The majority in our community embraces all people regardless of nationality, gender, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language, or other status.

It is unfortunate that there are people who continue to harass women, minorities, and immigrants along Beall Avenue and in other public areas of town.  Racially motivated harassment has sadly increased locally and across the country following the election.  As good neighbors we have a moral duty to protect each other. It is time for us to say “enough is enough,” take action and not let the few determine who we are as a community. 

Join us on Friday night, December 9 at the Gazebo in Downtown Wooster at 5:30pm for a peaceful demonstration as we stand up for Human Rights, Respect & Dignity for All. Bring signs with our hashtag #WoosterHomeForAll or other slogans demonstrating our welcome and inclusion. Hot chocolate and coffee will be provided.

Join us as we build a Wooster that is open, supportive, and accepting, where people are protected from discrimination and treated with dignity. #WoosterHomeForAll.

For more information, contact Juanita Greene, President of the Wooster/Orrville NAACP here , Alexandra Pereyra, College of Wooster student at here, or Andries Coetzee, Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church here or by phone 330-263-2398.

When: Friday, December 9, 2016

Where: Gazebo, Downtown Wooster

Time: 5:30pm

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