Sunday Morning Worship
Westminster Presbyterian Church is a safe place for all people to worship regardless of ethnicity, creed, age, cultural background, gender, or sexual orientation.
Sunday Morning Worship - 10:00 am in Mackey Hall at Westminster Presbyterian
At Westminster we believe that worship is everything we do, both inside and outside the church. The worship life of our church is defined by our calling to social justice, peacemaking, and our Presbyterian heritage. The focus of our worship services is to offer praise to God and to affirm our calling in Christ's name to service and mission. By design, our worship style is more informal, and we seek to worship in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. This is reflected in our worship space, Mackey Hall, which is a multi-functional room used for a number of purposes during the week by the larger Wooster community and The College of Wooster.
Our worship usually includes lay leaders of all ages who help guide the liturgy, congregational singing, reading of Scripture, and offering of prayers. Our sermons seek to relate the Gospel to the issues and needs of contemporary life. We celebrate the two sacraments embraced in the Protestant tradition, baptism and Communion, which is shared on the first Sunday of each month. We also offer alternative worshipping opportunities once a month, Walking in Mindfulness and Contemplative Worship.
Children in worship
At Westminster, we welcome all children in worship. A play table is available at the back of the sanctuary where visitors may choose to sit with their children. The ushers are available to assist you. We always look for new ways to involve children in worship through reading scripture, assisting with collecting the offering, receiving Communion, lighting candles, or sharing in the Joys and Concerns of our congregation.
Our church's worship, mission and service to the community, and fellowship life are all enhanced by our music ministry. We have an adult choir (consisting of both members and students of The College of Wooster) and invite a number of guest musicians to share their gifts in worship, especially from The College of Wooster and from the Ohio Light Opera company during the summer months. Our congregational singing includes both traditional and contemporary hymns that give expression to our passion for justice for all of God's creation.
Our volunteer adult choir practices on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in Mackey Hall. If you are interested in participating in the choir, please feel free to attend a rehearsal!