Get Involved
At Westminster Presbyterian Church, we encourage everyone to get involved in how we live our faith values to make the world a better place. We believe that faith in Christ gives rise to a life and ministry of action and that we can make a difference in the world in which we live. As a community of faith, we especially feel called to a ministry of justice and peace, and we have identified a number of priorities locally, nationally and internationally such as:
- Racial justice, advocacy, and support (such as the Wayne County Fair For All booth)
- Immigration justice, advocacy, and support (such as the East Central Ohio Sanctuary Network, Immigrant Worker Project)
- LGBTQIA+ justice, advocacy, and support (such as More Light Presbyterians, LGBTQ Task Force)
- Local economic justice concerns (such as Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Salvation Army, Help Me Grow, People to People, the HOPE fund, etc.)
- Local health concerns (such as the Viola Startzman Free Clinic, Planned Parenthood, One-Eighty, CAMO, etc.)
- Local housing justice concerns and affordable housing in Wayne County (Housing Justice Committee, collaboration with Behind Bars & Beyond, citizen re-entry groups, etc.)
- World Peace advocacy and support (such as the Israel/Palestine conflict and Middle East peacemaking concerns, global PCUSA missions/initiatives, hygiene and school kits for Church World Service, etc.)
- Spiritual formation and care for students, young adults, and emerging leaders in the church (such as UKirk Wooster, Wooster Ecumenical Group Bible Study, Intergenerational Sunday School, etc.)
In addition, other issues like prison reform, legal aid/support for those unable to afford it, addiction recovery, environmental justice, and gun violence, affect the lives of all peoples and are on our minds and in our hearts. As we continue our communal life with transitional leadership, we will evaluate together where and how Westminster can engage in these issues and causes.
If you would like to get involved in some way, or want to hear more about our justice work, contact us!