June 14, 2020 — Second Sunday after Pentecost



God of grief and pain,
You weep with us when we sorrow.
God of love and joy,
You rejoice with us when we celebrate.
God of all seasons,
You are with us in the transitions of life.
God of resurrection, 
You promise to always bring us to new life.
We come to you today in grief and in hope.
Be with us as we worship, in your holy name. Amen. 


OPENING HYMN NO. 32                               Sing the Mighty Power of God                                            ELLACOMBE





We hunt for signs which point to the right way. We keep searching for hope, only to be sent from one false sight to another. But God, freely and faithfully, offers us the access to grace we need, through Jesus Christ. Let us join in offering our prayers to the One who is our hope, our life, our guide. Let us confess our sin. 



How often, O God, have you appeared, calling us, and we have said "I didn't expect you today?" 
Yet, we proclaim you everywhere present. 
We ask for a sign, something obvious to show us the way. 
When we get is, it's often now what expected. 
YOU weren't what we expected. 
We confess that we were hoping for something that fits our lifestyle, our preconceptions, our plans, a bit better. 
We admit that maybe we didn't want the sign, didn't want the calling... didn't want you... today. 
Forgive us, God. 
Forgive our blinkered vision and our timid hearts. 
Forgive our unwillingness to have seen what was right in front of us the whole time. 
Forgive our faltering following and our wishful thinking. 
Give us the courage to stand up, welcome you even when you ask hard things of us, and follow your call. 



Friends, God's steadfast love shepherds us from confusion, brokenness, and denial to pastures of wholeness. For in Christ, the Redeemer of our lives broke through our reluctance, our fear and willful actions that hurt our neighbors and ourselves. The Spirit breathes new life into us, showing us what to do as we seek to "do justice, love mercy," and walk humbly with God, and each of God's children. 


SCRIPTURE                                                      Matthew 9:35–38

Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest tossed out laborers into his harvest." 


SERMON                                                         Labor With Compassion


HYMN                                                             Your Labor Is Not In Vain                                     THE PORTER'S GATE  






Made righteous through faith in Christ, asking that we may be faithful in the gift of God's grace, let us pray to our God in the power of the Spirit. 

Holy One, 

We pray that the urgency of God's word would shatter our spirit of complacency and compromise, and our easy tolerance of expediency and injustice. 

We pray for those who bear responsibility of government in this nation and in every nation, that they may build upon the solid rock of truth and justice, and not upon the shifting sands of self-interest and pride.

We pray that the word of Christ may become the deepest joy of our hearts, and may move us to deeds which reflect Christ's ministry of reconciliation. 

We pray for all in the human community who cry out because of injustice, oppression, illness, or isolation, that we may hear in them the cry of Christ himself suffering in his brothers and sisters. 

We pray for the church, that we as the people of God would be a holy nation, representing the love and peace of God to a world that so desperately needs it. Empower us, O God, to be your light in this darkened world. Help us to reflect you in our words and actions. Help us to be ready to serve wherever you call us. 

Eternal and compassionate God, receive and fulfill all that we ask according to your will. Give us the grace to welcome your word, who is Christ, that we may live grounded on the rock of your love and mercy, now and all our days. We ask this Through Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. Amen. 


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Lord Jesus, you were willing to give your life so that we may know the extent of God's love for all creation. Today, we offer our very selves, all that we are and all that we can be, with your help. Receive all that we offer, time, talents, money, take, bless, and use it for the healing of your world and for your glory. Amen. 


CLOSING HYMN NO. 726                                       The Summons                                                       KELVINGROVE




Notes: Call to Worship by Katya Ouchakof. Prayer of Confession adapted from Teri Peterson. Prayer of the people adapted from Intercessions for the Christian People, © 1988, Pueblo Publishing Company, Inc. 

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